
Birthday Wishes Already Granted

My apologies for the long hiatus from the blog! Life and illness and a day job and all sorts of things derailed me. But today warrants a post about gratitude.

As I celebrate my birthday, I’m reminded of what an extraordinary year I’ve had since last October 21. The two biggest milestones were signing with my agent, JL Stermer, and the sale of my YA contemporary, FACING FIRE, to Albert Whitman and Company.

But I’m especially grateful for everyone who has supported me since I first started writing fiction six years ago: my amazing critique partners and beta readers; Jenni Baker, for designing my awesome website; Carson Jones, for taking incredible author photos; cheers and empathy from the online writing community, especially FizzyGrrl; my husband, Andy, for always reminding me it wasn’t a question of “if,” but “when.”

Today, I don’t need to blow out candles on a cake to have my wishes come true. (Thank God, because there are too many candles to count). And the only birthday presents I need are those I already have: family, friends, love, support, time to write, courage to fail, space to grow.

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